American Western DistributionAssisted Living and Memory Care Center InstallationAssisted Living and Memory Care Center InstallationAssisted Living and Memory Care Center InstallationAssisted Living and Memory Care Center InstallationAssisted Living and Memory Care Center InstallationAssisted Living and Memory Care Center InstallationRecently AWD worked closely with a local Interior Design company on the installation of a 4 story Assisted Living and Memory Care Center in Phoenix, AZ.  The inventory for this project was received over a 4 month time period.  AWD received all the furniture, art, paintings, decorations and artificial plants into our warehouse for storage until the installation date.  The inventory items were checked in as they arrived and labeled for the room it would be installed in at the time of delivery.  Any furniture that requires assembly was pre-assembled in AWD’s warehouse prior to delivery to the project site.  This helps eliminate mess and speeds up the delivery time.  Once we start pre-assembling furniture the inventory is staged by the unload sequence requested by the design team and ready to load on the trucks. 

 American Western Distributions professional delivery & installation crews set up the entire building including art, paintings and all furnishings right on schedule – in just 2 ½ days!