Medical supply warehousing is heavily regulated. Every stage, from packing to installation, must comply with FDA regulations that are far too precise for a standard warehousing business. You need a distributor who keeps strict standards of cleanliness, temperature control, and humidity at every link in the supply chain. Inventory control entails more than just the receipt, control, and packaging of goods. Software is needed for record keeping, as is specialized knowledge of state and federal laws.

The Art of Medical Storage

Storage must be controlled from the moment your products leave their manufacturers to the second they arrive at their ultimate supplier. Lives literally depend on it. Installation isn’t immune from accusations of negligence, so the FDA’s code must be adhered to.

  • The size and arrangement of the warehouse must make cleaning and maintenance easy.
  • Storage areas must be well lit, ventilated, hygienic, and fully outfitted.
  • A clean, organized quarantine area for outdated or damaged prescription drugs must be available.
  • There must be no infestations.

Even the security of your distribution chain is regulated. Alarm systems and software security play a core role in protecting end user safety. Theft of, for example, quarantined medications, can have dire consequences for people acquiring drugs on the black market. Medical supply disposal and record storage are regulated, too.

Unless all staff are qualified for this uniquely challenging task, your distribution chain will have weak links. A good warehousing business keeps the entire chain robust. Because devices and drugs have such diverse needs, that can only be achieved if your distributor builds customized programs for your unique products. Service you can trust and distribution that keeps your clients safe relies on exceptional standards and perfectionism. Choose well. Your clients’ trust and well-being depend on it.